McGeorge law students are encouraged to register for the Public Service Commendation award by pursuing experiences that emulate pro bono legal experiences during their legal career and recognizes students who practice leadership through giving their time to others through:

  • Pro bono legal services (excess hours from internships, externships or McGeorge clinics do not qualify)
  • Unpaid community service

Examples of activities that count towards the Commendation include:

  • Service events sponsored or promoted by the law school, such as the Citizenship Fair, Reading Partners, Pro Se Help Day at the US District Court, or the Justice Bus Spring Break Service Trip.
  • Student group events to provide service or raise funds to support service, such as the Women’s Caucus Wine-Tasting and Auction and the Public Legal Services Society (PLSS) fundraising efforts. Providing personal service to the efforts is required. Donating money is not sufficient.
  • Other non-legal community service like neighborhood clean-up events, service nights, volunteering at libraries or animal shelters, and volunteer mentoring outside of the McGeorge community, and volunteering at the CID.

At graduation, Public Service Commendation students will receive a certificate and medal for their achievement, along with special notation in the commencement program. Students may earn the Public Service Commendation at the following levels, based on total hours devoted to service during law school:

  • Bronze (50 hours)
  • Silver (100 hours)
  • Gold (150 hours)

Ready to be recognized? Register no later than January of your final year at McGeorge and log your public service hours by April 30 of your final year. You must be registered to receive the award. Any hours submitted after April 30 will not be counted.


Contact Dean Adams, Dean of Students and Career Services, at